Florrie Jane M. Suralta BSEd- GS4
Educational Technology 2 MW 3-5 pm
Lesson 5: Preferences of the Technology Generation
There is a generation gap between the old and young generations in terms of their
hobbies, likes or interest. Also in education there is a gap. The following are
the differences between young and old generations in educational system. First,
the Single and Multi- track activity patterns. Old generation has slow and
single track patterns of activities while new generations are more on the
mullti- track patterns of activities with the use of technology. They are more
on searching for videos, downloading, phone texts or online chatting, and
others. Second is Text vs. Visuals. Before,the preferences for learning or
source of information were books and they uses card catalogue for searching
books and signing up to borrow or loan out books, while digital generation are
more advanced and more on visual learning. Third is Linear vs. Hypermedia. Old
generation learn in a sequential manner and obtain information in a linear and
logical order. This made them more logical, focused and reflective thinkers,
while new generations access information through computers in a random manner
thus, they were not able to develop those skills. Fourth is Independent vs.
Social learners. Traditional education system prioritize independent learning,
while new generation learners work or perform activities by group, thus
developing their interpersonal intelligence. Fifth is Learning to do vs.
Learning to pass the test. Before, teachers teach students for them to pass the
test and even though they do not like or are not interested with the topics,
they have to study to pass the exam. While today, teachers teach for students
to acquire skills they need in the future. Sixth, Rote memory vs. Fun learning.
Teachers deliver the information base on the subject matter. While now, digital
learners make their learning fun and through this, they were able to have
meaningful learning. Lastly, Delayed rewards vs. Instant gratification. Before,
the rewarding system consists of grades, medal, certificates and honor and were
usually given at the end of the school year or every after periodical exams.
While digital learners experience immediate gratification through scores from
games, from email chats and others. Teachers need to connect with the new
generation learners to bridge the gap.
In the traditional education system, I’ve experienced it during elementary
years. Our teacher would just write our lessons in the board and let us copy
then she will discuss and we will have our exams. We merely memorize what we
had copied in our notes but does not internalize the real meaning of our
lesson. When we had assignments, we rely solely on books because computers are
not available. But during in secondary level, some of our teachers gave us
activities that needs the use of internet. When there are activities, we are
grouped and assign the tasks to each members. Activities like research papers
or role playing with the aid of multimedia.
As future teachers, we do want our students to have meaningful learning and
acquire not only the knowledge but also the skills in which they will need in
the future. It is important to integrate multimedia when we teach because
students learn more when they see pictures or video clips about the topic
discussed. In giving activities, we should put in our mind that students would
enjoy making the activity, cooperate with each other and use their skills in
manipulating multimedia products. We should implement output- based projects as
assessment for their learning and not merely pencil and paper test.
When we are already in the field of teaching, we should:
technology in teaching the lessons.
activities that would make use of the audiovisuals and multimedia.
multimedia project- based as output of students.
up or be with the learning styles of the students. Use teaching methods or
strategies that would cater their intelligence and their interests.